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File List | 1997-10-03 | 22.3 KB | 347 lines |
- ===========================================
- DOS Diagnostic & Debugging utilties
- ===========================================
- BBX201.ZIP BRKBOX is a software version of a hardware breakout box. It
- displays the status of a COM or LPT port inside your PC. The
- status of the various port flags are displayed on the screen
- and are updated in real time as port activity happens.
- BIOSR11.ZIP BIOS Reporter v1.1 <ASP>
- Actively reports system information available in BIOS data
- area; can be run as pop-up TSR to report changes to BIOS values
- while a second program is running. Allows printing
- COMCHK15.ZIP Commchk is used to analyze information on a serial line by
- intercepting the information and allowing you to view the
- captured information in either a HEX format or in an ASCII
- format. The information captured may also be saved in files
- stored on disk.
- Manipulate and Display COM and LPT Port Info For COM ports,
- displays UART type, IRQ used. Allows addition or removal of COM
- and LPT ports from DOS at any address. Netware and LAN Manager
- aware.
- ComTest is a serial communication utility that allows you to test the
- connection between your computer and whatever serial-ready device you want
- to hook up to. With C++ src
- A program to create, edit, and save FILE_ID.DIZ files. This
- version is the Windows 95 version of DizTool. This FILE_ID.DIZ
- file was written using DizTool. Requires Microsoft Windows 95
- to run. Shareware, $10.00 registration.
- DLM140.ZIP D L M An IBM P.C. Based RS-232 Asynchronous Data Line Monitor
- Release 1.5 Have you ever been in the situation where you have
- two serial devices (such as a PC and a printer), which SHOULD
- work but just don't seem to communicate? Or perhaps you are
- trying to debug a new communications protocol, and when you
- start the file transfer evrything just LOCKS UP!!!
- INcredible hardware detection and benchmarking program. 60
- windows with details about CPU, chipset, BIOS, PCI, SCSI and
- EIDE devices, about VGA adapter, CD ROM, network, memory, WIN
- 95. With benchmarks, report function and memory dump. New in
- 3.7e: Pentium-II detection, Intel 430TX chipset details and
- SCSI benchmark (both in reg. ver- sion); detects
- Ultra-DMA/33-Mode on EIDE drives.
- FLM.ZIP The FLMon is a simple serial monitor software, made to make it
- possible to store large amounts of data directly onto a hard
- disk.
- GOSCOM.ZIP Serial-port logger
- Run from the command line, this code sets up and listens to a
- comm port. A file is created and written consisting of all
- input received thorugh the comm port. When a diamond character
- (PostScript End-of-Transmission Character) or a hex 1A, ^Z, DOS
- End-of-File is received, the created file is closed and used as
- input to the GoScript program, which is invoked through an EXEC
- call. (asm src)
- INTSPY.ZIP intspy - Monitor interrupts while running a program.
- Intspy runs command with optional parameters, logging
- interrupts to logfile. Which interrupts have to be monitored,
- and what has to be logged is defined in the file intspy.ini.
- This file is searched for, in the current directory. Next all
- directories included in the PATH environment variable are
- searched. The format of intspy.ini is the standard Windows ini
- file format.
- IRQSHO_.ZIP IrqShow 1.50
- Shows which IRQ is used and when it is used. If you install new
- Hardware you will need this!
- PORT21.ZIP Hardware port diagnostics 2.1
- Is a simple program that lets you write 8-bit data (00-FF) to
- any hardware port address (0000-FFFF). The program also has a
- data bit toggle feature (using F1-F8) that lets you toggle the
- status of any bit (1 or 0) without entering numerical data
- value. This is useful for troubleshooting data lines on PC
- hardware cards. You can also read data from any 4 hardware
- ports (0000-FFFF). This program should simplify testing and
- troubleshooting PC cards and PC based projects.
- PORTUSE.ZIP I wrote this program to show me just which ports were being
- used in my computers. Its hard to pick a port to use on the
- ethernet card if you don't know what's already been used. You
- must supply a block of ports to look at in hex. With Pascal src
- SCOPE.ZIP DataScope Version 1.1x
- Is a powerful serial communications analyzer designed as a high
- performance tool for software and hardware professionals. Now
- you can eliminate guesswork about asynchronous transmissions,
- connections, character timing, and serial events without
- purchasing an expensive hardware monitor.
- SDD53A-D.ZIP SciTech Display Doctor v5.3a:
- SciTech Display Doctor provides high performance VBE 2.0 device
- support for playing the latest games. This is a special DOS
- only version for customers without a copy of Windows (ie: DOS
- and OS/2 users). If you have a copy of Windows, please download
- the full Windows installation version.
- VECTVI.ZIP VECTOR VIEW is a utility which allows you to save all of your
- Interrupt vector addresses to a data file, which can be viewed
- by any text editor or text file viewer. The data saved by
- VECTOR VIEW can be used to discover which interrupt vectors are
- being used in your system, and where they point to. Also, you
- can learn which vectors are not being used, which is useful if
- you are writing a program which will install an interrupt.
- XRAY15.ZIP XRAY 1.5 - Displays interrupts/calls during pgm execution
- Is a DOS programming tool which displays informative messages
- about the operating system (DOS) functions. With XRAY, you'll
- be able to snoop in on the operating systems inards and
- diagnose obscure programming bugs. The high resolution timer
- and summary display can also help optimize your program's I/O.
- It can be used with programs written in any language and
- requires no special compiler.
- ===============================================
- Windows Diagnostic & Debugging utilties
- ===============================================
- CHK2000.ZIP Check 2000 Version 1.00.000
- A tool for checking source code for the potential errors
- relating to the year 2000 problem. Creates reports.
- Configurable search strings. 16 and 32-bit versions. Help
- contains many hints and tips on solving the problem.
- COMINS3X.ZIP ComSpy3x for Windows 3.x v 3.4 (16bit)
- ComSpy for Windows 3.x reports you the activities on your modem
- thru COM port APIs (such as: ReadComm, WriteComm, etc). You can
- also capture all data flowing in and any commands sending out
- by the programs like WinCim (the program you use to connect
- to CompuServe).
- - Monitor Windows COM related APIs
- - Report the APIs called and their parameters
- - Capture data to file for you to analyze
- - Learn what happens when you connect to CompuServe, AOL, etc.
- - Discover if anyone steals your data when you connect to them ...
- - Varify that your financial information is encoded as you expect
- COMINS95.ZIP ComSpy3x for Windows 95
- ComSpy for Windows 3.x reports you the activities on your modem
- thru COM port APIs (such as: ReadComm, WriteComm, etc). You can
- also capture all data flowing in and any commands sending out
- by the programs like WinCim (the program you use to connect to
- CompuServe).
- EXEINS3X.ZIP ExeSpy3x for Windows 3.x v 3.4
- Powerful program monitor for Windows 3x and Windows 95
- - Monitor program launching and termination
- - Windows creation and closing
- - Modules loading and unloading
- - File access
- - INI file access
- - Registry access
- - Includes with DLLCheck3x absolutely free
- EXEINS95.ZIP ExeSpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.4
- Powerful program monitor for Windows 3x and Windows 95
- - Monitor 32 bit applications as well as 16 bit applications
- - Process/thread creation and termination
- - Windows creation and closing
- - Modules loading and unloading
- - File and directory access
- - Undocumented/unexported module loading, adding to and deleting from process database
- - INI file access
- - Registry access
- - And more ...
- EXESPY95.ZIP ExeSpy - Powerful program monitor for Windows 3x and Windows 95
- As an end-user or a system administrator, do you really
- reinstall the whole package. Or you will first try to find out
- what exactly has been lost or has failed? Let ExeSpy help.
- ExeSpy can pinpoint which components (DLLs/Exes/Drvs/VBXes)
- that Windows is looking for, Just locate these missing things
- and copy them to the system!! ExeSpy also provides you the
- information if the application can not start because of failing
- to create a window.
- HAT_NT.ZIP HeapAgent(tm) Trial version 2.0 for Window NT
- Once you've installed HeapAgent and selected the EXEs that you
- want HeapAgent to automatically check, HeapAgent will be there
- transparently checking for memory errors every time you run
- your application, whether you run the app standalone or from
- inside the Visual C++ debugger. And when HeapAgent finds an
- error, you'll have instant access to a full array of heap
- diagnostic tools, including your debugger, to help you track
- that sucker down and fix it.
- INFSPY.ZIP InfSpy v1.0
- Shows Heap, Windows, Tasks and Modules in a window and relates
- them to each other. Other features include Heap Memory Dump,
- printing and saving options, a Task terminator, Module Unload,
- and more
- INIMON.ZIP Windows Initialization Monitor
- Initialization Monitor is designed to help programmers monitor
- changes made to program initialization files. However, it can
- also be used by the casual user to monitor initialization
- changes when installing new programs. Multiple instances can be
- run to monitor multiple files. To learn to use Help, press F1,
- or choose How to use Help from the Help menu.
- INISPY95.ZIP INISpy95 - Powerful Registry and INI file tracer for Windows 95
- INI Spy allows you to monitor read and write activity by any
- 16-bit Windows application against all INI-style files in your
- system. It reports the values read and retrieved from INI files
- and attaches to the log the date and time the activity took
- place. You can spy on specific initialization files or select
- all INI-style files. The Windows 95 version also traces all
- Registration Database calls!
- KCEX10.ZIP KeyCode Explorer 1.0 for Windows 95
- Is a little utility especially for programmers to get the ASCII
- code and HEX code of a pressed key. You get rid of searching in
- books or in documentations, if you need a key code.
- MEMMON95.ZIP MemMonitor Windows 95 Standard Edition v 4.0
- MemMonitor traps and reports you (Global/Local/Virtual/Heap for
- Windows 95) Or (Global/Local for Windows 3x) memory allocation
- and deallocation. The Summary Window shows you the amount (in
- bytes) of memory in allocation and deallocation in each API set
- based on process.
- - Report net allocated amount of memory for each running process
- - Helps you determine if memory leakage is occurring
- - Curious about shared heaps in Windows 95
- - And more ...
- MEMPRO95.ZIP MemMonitor Windows 95 PRO Edition v 4.0
- MemMonitor Pro is the professional edition of MemMonitor. It
- has all the functionalities provided in MemMonitor Standard
- Edition. It traps and reports you (Global/Local/Virtual/Heap
- for Windows 95) or (Global/Local for Windows 3x) memory
- allocation and deallocation. The summary windows shows you the
- amount (in bytes) of memory in allocation and deallocation in
- each API set based on process (process name).
- - A tool professionals should possess in helping resolving memory leaking
- - Report net allocated amount of memory for each running process
- - Helps you determine if memory leakage is occurring
- - Capture & report memory allocation thru Global*/Local*, Heap*, Virtual*, APIs
- - Capure share heap/memory activities by Windows 95
- - Detailed report unmatched APIs to let you track down the memory leaking in your programs
- - And more ...
- NEWAPI32.ZIP NEWAPI32 Version 1.00.000
- Is a tool that will allow you to intercept the API calls made
- by any 32 bit program under Windows 95, providing the API is
- accessible from your memory context. This includes the APIÆs of
- the system DLLÆs located above 2GB. With C source.
- NEWSPY.ZIP NewSpy Version 1.00 , Clone of MicroSoft's SPY Program
- Is a clone of the Spy program that is included in the Microsoft
- Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). NewSpy shows what
- messages are being sent to a window, allowing you to make sure
- that the messages you think are being sent are actaully being
- sent. NewSpy displays the handle of the window that is being
- spied upon, the message, and the values of the message
- parameters (wparam and
- ODBC95.ZIP ODBCSpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.0
- This is the most powerful ODBC spy around. There are many
- unique features provided by this ODBCSpy. This ODBCSpy let you
- monitor all ODBC drivers at the same time. You don't need to
- select a specific ODBC driver to monitor and are therefore not
- limited to spy on one ODBC driver only at a time. It lets you
- enable only those SQL* functions you are interested in and
- disable spying on the rest calls. Now you can really save your
- time by focusing on only those you really care about.
- RESSPY3X.ZIP ResSpy for Windows 3x v3.0c
- Lets you monitor most resource creation and destruction APIs in
- Windows environment. It covers HDC, HBITMAP, HICON, HCURSOR,
- HACCEL, HFONT, HMENU, etc. It tells you who calls the API to
- create the handle, the parameters, and the resulted handle
- value. It can be a tool that you can use to identify what
- resources are created in an application, and also what
- resources are not deleted when the program terminates. Or use
- this tool as an assistant to learn how other program invoke and
- utilize Windows APIs.
- RESSPY95.ZIP ResSpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.0
- Lets you monitor most resource creation and destruction APIs in
- Windows environment. It covers HDC, HBITMAP, HICON, HCURSOR,
- HACCEL, HFONT, HMENU, etc. It tells you who calls the API to
- create the handle, the parameters, and the resulted handle
- value. It can be a tool that you can use to identify what
- resources are created in an application, and also what
- resources are not deleted when the program terminates. Or use
- this tool as an assistant to learn how other program invoke and
- utilize Windows APIs.
- SDD53A.ZIP SciTech Display Doctor 5.3a (Windows 3.1/95 Installation)
- The Universal Graphics Card Utility SciTech Display Doctor
- (formerly known as UniVBE) now supports over 250 different SVGA
- chips and includes a Windows install and user interface (a DOS
- only install is available). SciTech Display Doctor fixes the
- most common problems with Super VGA (SVGA) graphics cards. It
- features: graphics chip detection, display power management,
- display centering, refresh rate control and compatibility &
- performance testing. UniVBE, the Universal VESA BIOS Extension
- (VBE) is included in the SciTech Display Doctor package.
- SETWATCH.ZIP Watch version 2.0
- Is a program that monitors the actions Of other programs - what
- files they are reading, writing, anything they happening to be
- doing on your system, WATCH records the details on disk, for
- you to view later. WATCH is a DOS program, but works with
- 16-bit Windows, too- it can tell you which DLL's a program is
- loading, and in which order, for example.
- Is a powerful Windows utility to view all aspects of Windows,
- DOS, Heap, Memory, Networks and your system. You can search for
- DLLs, Icons and duplicate files and you have 4 configurable
- resource mon- itors and multiple resource\disk alarms.
- TechFacts allows you to transmit any data by Fax\Modem, or by
- MAPI Email or by SMTP Internet Email,
- TEKFCT95.ZIP TECHFACTS 95 v1.10 - Shareware -
- TechFacts 95 is a powerful Windows 95 utility to view all
- aspects of Windows, DOS, Heap, Memory, Networks and your
- system. You can search for Files, DLLs, and duplicate files and
- you have 4 configurable resource monitors and multiple
- resource\disk alarms as well as a Windows 95 registry
- performance monitor. TechFacts 95 allows you to transmit any
- data by Fax\Modem, or by MAPI Email or by SMTP Internet Email,
- all drivers are included and contained within TechFacts.
- TPODBC32.ZIP Trace Plus 32 / ODBC , 32 Bit ODBC Debugging Facility
- TTB95.ZIP TopToBottom for Windows 95 (ver4)
- Reports both 16-bit and 32-bit loaded modules and their DLLs
- PLUS VxDs and registered OCXs. With the log enabled, it also
- captures new module loads by an active or newly created
- process. TopToBottom helps you resolve conflicts between
- differing versions of a DLL, OCX, or VxD. It reports version
- information and any potential duplicates found in your Windows
- search path.
- VBSYS350.ZIP VBSys Windows System Monitor 32 Bit Ver 3.5 for Win 95 ONLY
- VBSys is designed to help a user monitor many system resources
- at all times and to combine some utilities that you may already
- use. Monitors:
- Disk Space (even Net), Memory, SwapFile Usage , CPU, #Processes,
- Date/Time, and much more all in one small display.
- WINTRA.ZIP WinTrace (WT.EXE) is a general purpose trace utility which
- allows you to trap any Windows APIs (DLL functions) under your
- finger-tips. WinTrace is a low-level debugging utility which
- requires users to know how windows API passes its arguments on
- the stack and how windows API gets its returned values from the
- registers.
- WLCHECK.ZIP Link Check Version 5.1
- LInk Check verifies links between executable files and modules
- (DLLs). Useful for analyzing those "Cannot find (filename) or
- one of its components" and "Call to Undefined Dynalink" system
- error msgs. View Version info on all modules. Check modules
- loaded in RAM as well as RAM details. Analyze function calls
- inside DLLs and others. VBX support is also included. You can
- now register via an electronic key. v5.1 for Win 3.x
- WNSPCT11.ZIP WinSpector
- So, you are a computer guru, and want to keep track of your
- system resources or you need to debug programs to see if there
- are memory leaks, or just how much memory it needs. WinSpector
- is the program for you. From its friendly LCD panel that
- display the amount of memory and system resources to its
- multimedia/video analyzer, WinSpector is one great program that
- will end up in your Start-up box very soon. Besides testing the
- processorspeed,multimediacapabilities, printing options, and
- system resources, WinSpector can also analyze your hard disk
- right down to the number of clusters on your harddrive.
- Shareware 1.0 REQ: VB40032.DLL
- WXI95-20.ZIP Win-eXpose-I/O ,v2.00,Util,SHAREWARE Windows 95
- Files I/O Tracer/Debugger Gives REAL-TIME report on files I/O
- all over the system (even DOS BOXES) a MUST HAVE tool for
- anyone who tries to find out which file an application is using
- or missing. Great tool for also for dev. tracking file
- operation by an external utility, and for improving windows
- performance.